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How to search our site

Quick Tips

Remember, queries are not case sensitive; you can type your query in uppercase or lowercase. It makes no difference.

Try to use discriminating words that are likely to be found only in the documents you seek. The more words you give, the better results you'll get. Examples:



In general, don't worry about missing a document because it doesn't have one of the words in your search; relevant results are returned even if they don't contain all query terms.

Type exact phrases with quotation marks. Only documents that contain the exact phrase will be returned. Pay particular attention to your spelling. For example:

"claim procedures","OptiChoice"

If you are still unable to find the page you are looking for, please try our sitemap which provides links to most of the content, or send us an e-mail; we'll be gald to help you.

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How to refine your search

It's easy to refine a query to get the results you want. We have a simple query syntax which gives you the pinpoint search power of Boolean logic, without having to remember complex queries.

Use the AND, OR and NEAR operators to refine your query. The AND operator returns documents containing all words, such as:

"65 special" AND "high"

the OR operator returns any document containing either one of the words or phrases in your search query, such as:

"65 special", "high" OR "low"

and the NEAR operator returns documents that have all keywords within 50 words of each other. Here's an example:

"life insurance" NEAR rates

Use the * and ** wildcards to refine your query. The * wildcard returns documents with any letter combinations. For example:


returns documents with words such as benefits and beneficiaries, and


returns words based on the same stem, such as "adding" and "including".

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What not to do

Do not use &, |, ^, (, #, @, ), $ in your query. If your query includes any of these characters, enclose your query in double-quotes ("), such as:

"Major Medical $1000"

Punctuation marks and common words are ignored, so do not include them in your search. Common words and ponctuation such as 'a', 'an', 'and', 'as', period (.), colon (:), semicolon (;), and comma (,) are always ignored.

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Last updated on:  Aug 12, 2003  Page: 

This information is not intended for use without professional advice. While we have attempted to make this site as accurate as possible, it is only a summary. For more information, see our disclaimer.

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